Career and Health

Monday, June 12, 2006

Score at the Interview

Impress your interviewers with these tips.

Always do your homework
The list includes knowing what the job entails, background information about the company and what qualities are needed for the position. Nothing puts an interviewer off more than a clueless and unprepared interviewee.

Leave a good impression
Be polite to the receptionist, be at the interview five minutes before your scheduled time, dress smartly (no hair falling over your face, please!), put on some makeup and suck on a breath mint beforehand. Be sure you have a warm smile on your face too. And remember to dress appropriately! Leave that pair of strappy, mile-high stilettos at home.

Be polite
Always greet your interviewer. A simple "Hi! Nice to meet you" will suffice. Wait to be told to be seated and don't assume the first chair you see is for you. During the interview, don't assume a know-it-all air and don't ever put on a fake accent.

Be enthusiastic
The reason why you're interviewing for the job is because it's assumed you're interested in it. If it's a job you're not so keen on, don't waste anyone's time. Just let the caller know that you'll not be coming for the interview. Be genuine, earnest and listen to what your interviewer has to say. It'll be most embarrassing if you give an irrelevant answer cos you didn't catch the question.

Ask questions
No, it's not the time to ask about the salary. This is the chance for you to demonstrate your interest in the job. An interview is also for you to see if the company's a good fit for you. Finally, thank your interviewer for his or her time and end off with, "I hope to hear from you soon."

Extracted from CLEO magazine January 2005 issue.


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