Career and Health

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The CLEO Dream Job Launch Pad

Option A: Stay in my comfort zone and ultimately bore the bejesus out of myself. Better yet, choose option B: read CLEO's expert career guide and score my ultimate job now! By Serene Lim and Melissa Ironside

Have absolutely no idea what job you should do or where your career's headed? Don't stress, everyone's had a "what the hell am I going to do with my life?" freak-out. "What you enjoy doing is what you should be doing for a living," says Sally O'Keeffe, authour of Career Girl: get The Job You Love. "You should want to do your job even if you weren't getting paid for it. You have all the skills you need to have a successful and fantastic career, you just need to work out what jobs suit your personal attribute best." How? It's all about this five-step plan:

Step One: Keep a career diary!

Write down all the things that interest and excite you. If a magazine story about charities jumps out, jot that down. If you see an ad on TV you can relate to, make a note of it. Think about and list down your best qualities and strengths. There are heaps of personality tests on the Web that might serve as crystal ball and show you the way! Try, and

Step Two: Check out The Straits Times Classifieds on Saturdays

There are a ton of jobs you may never have heard of, but one of them could be totally perfect for you. Like what, you ask? Let's say you enjoy working with food and people - ever considered a career as a dietician? Or perhaps you're into kids and reading. How about being a children's book editor? If you're creative and addicted to the Web, maybe a career in website design is the way to go.

Step Three: Talk to people in your desired industry

Find out what training you need and which of your past experiences can be counted as an asset. Ask for an insider's view into the industry.

Step Four: Build up your work experience

Internships, part-time jobs, even volunteer gigs can help you gain more insight into industry, and could even help you land a job. Don't scoff at small jobs like doing coffee runs - everyone's gotta start somewhere!

Step Five: Do you research

"Once you've decided on the industry and type of job you're interested in, find out what makes the company successful, what makes them stand out from their competitiors, and focus on the unique 'personality' of the company," says Ceri Iteensohn, Vice President of Human Resouces, InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific. "Some companies such as ours maintain a dedicated career website ( that supplies the company profile and lists job opportunities as well." Familiarise yourself with the company you want to be part of.

Extracted from CLEO magazine May 2005 Issue.


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