Career and Health

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

How to Blitz Any Interview

Interview DOs

/Prepare for commonly asked questions "Know your career direction and be able to say why you want the job," says Joyce Lim, branch manager of Adecco Singapore.

/Listen attentively and answer in a concise and polite manner.

/Talk! "Ask relevant questions about the job such as responsibilities and growth prospects," advises Lim.

/Sell your skills and say how you can contribute.

Interview DON'Ts

XWait until you're over your current job before you start looking for a new gig. "But be clear about what you want from your next job - the question will come up."

XTalk too fast or fidget.

XDress down It's better to go too formal than too casual.

XTalk money until the next interview appointment.

XGet all victimy about not getting the job. "Make every interview a learning experience and think about how to improve at your next one," explains Lim

Extracted from CLEO magazine May 2005 issue


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