Career and Health

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Get That Inner Glow

Sure, "beauty comes from within". Easily said. Frankly, we're hardly able to cope with maintaining the looks on the outside, let alone taking care of our inner being! But while outer beauty fades (all too clearly), inner beauty if cultivated suffuses a person with an age-defying glow. It also boosts self-confidence and ups the energy levels.


Let's move on. The first thing to realise is that despite the multiple roles you play, you're still a unique person with needs to be met. Like everyone else, you should feel good about yourself. That takes stepping back from the stresses of life and focusing on your own well-being.

Set aside some private time regularly to indulge in things that equate with personal fulfilment - indulging in a hobby, learning a new skill, that kind of thing. Even something as simple as going for a swim does wonders for the soul (and physical fitness).

Manicures, facials and massages, no-guilt shopping (and actually buying something for yourself) - those count as legitimate pampering.

When things go wrong, look for the silver lining. Keeping a positive mindset will tide you over the toughest times. And self-talk might give you inspiration on a lousy day. For instance, tell yourself: "I am capable and resourceful, and my talent will take me where I want to go."

Meditation is another road to inner calm. Remove yourself from the mayhem of everyday life to be quiet, and listen to your inner voice - all of us have it, but many of us don't listen to it. Use it to draw the strength to deal with anything life throws at you.

Start a journal - online or on paper. Write down your distractions, worries, hurts, plans and hopes. The catharsis will clear your mind, help you focus on the positive and generate a flow of ideas that may otherwise never be expressed.

A group of supportive friends who will look beyond your faults an accept you for who you are is indispensable. Let them know how important they are to you, and make time to nurture the relationships. Join groups and communities devoted to your interests and concerns, such as sporting associations or hobby clubs to widen your social circle.

You're never too old to begin cultivating inner beauty. A good place to start is with your unique talents: develop them to their fullest potential to fulfil your dreams. As 1920s American jazz singer Margaret Young once said: "You must first be who you really are, then, do what you need to do, in order to have what you want."

That inner glow resists even the most thorough of make-up removers. Want it? Start right here!

  • As much as one or two litres per day. Water flushes out impurities, plumps up skin cells and reduces the appearance of fine lines. Add zest to your life with sparkling plain water and a slice of lemon.


  • That means plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean meat or fish and as little junk food as possible.

  • REST

  • Squeeze in an extra hour of sleep whenever you can. Nap on weekends and public holidays and have the kids do the same.


  • Even a brisk 10- or 15-minute walk everyday boosts metabolism, improves blood circulation and relieves stress.


  • Lung cancer and emphysema aside, it's dehydrating, causes dark under-eye circles and makes your skin look sallow.

    Extracted from Family:March 2005


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