Career and Health

Friday, July 07, 2006

Feminising Male Traits

Tweaking your leadership style?
Read on, to see how you can adapt some typically masculine traits.

  1. Action-oriented The average male brain is primed for action. The average female brain has a cautious bent. But because the business world is moving at such great speed, women should try to make decisions quickly and act on them.
  2. Focused Women multi-task, and that's great but it dilutes focus. Prioritising-tasks will help her to stay focused without distancing her from her colleagues.
  3. Competitive Women could emulate the competitiveness of men by paying attention to how other people in the same position in other companies get their work done effectively. Cultivating a network of contacts helps.
  4. Innovative "But it has always been done this way" should not be a mantra. Women should be prepared to stretch themselves and rock the boat when necessary. Being firm without ranting is the way to go.
  5. Driven Striving to be the best that they can be, rather than trying to trounce rivals (a male trait!) will work better for a woman.
  6. Risk-taker Women can benefit from changing their risk-averse style. Risk-taking is necessary. They should have a vision and the guts to make unpopular decisions.

Extracted from Family:March 2005


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