Career and Health

Monday, July 17, 2006

A-Z Health Food

APPLES contain pectin and fibre, which help to keep the blood pressure down by lowering serum cholestrol levels in the body. They also contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C and minerals that reduce dental decay.

APRICOTS (dried) provide instant energy if eaten raw. Their vitamin A improves skin texture, keeps hair glossy and prevents cracks in finger or toe-nails.

BANANAS help stop a craving for sweet things and an average fruit has only 94 calories. Researchers have proved that bananas can relieve pain and cure ulcers.

BEANS and lentils, the "pulses", are excellent protein foods and contain no fat. Eaten with grains and nuts, they provide iron, zinc and fibre and make economical meals.

BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES provid one of the richest sources of vegetable iron, copper, calcium, potassium and zinc and B vitamins. This "wonder food" can be used regularly as a sweetener.

BRAN is rich in fibre, B vitamins and minerals. Two tablespoonfuls of bran daily, with porridge or cereal or in muesli, will prevent constipation and bowel trouble.

BREWER'S YEAST is the richest source of all the B vitamins except B12. It also offers 14 minerals and is 36 per cent protein with almost no fat. Take powdered yeast or yeast tablets daily to increase energy, improve skin and hair, aid digestion and overcome nervous conditions.

BROWN RICE is the most nutritious of the different types of rice as all its B complex and E vitamins and minerals are retained. These improve health and relieve pre-menstraul tension.

CABBAGE is an excellent source of vitamins A, B and C, calcium and iron. Its high fibre content stimulates bowel action, so eating it regularly helps prevent or even overcome constipation.

CHEESE is the richest protein food, second only to soya beans, lentils and peanuts. It contains vitamins A and D and lots of calcium and zinc, so it boosts health and makes bones and teeth strong.

EGGS contain first-class protein, fat, iron, calcium, vitamins A, B and D and lecithin which helps to prevent fatty deposits in the arteries. Egg yolk is the best source of iron for a baby or young child.

GARLIC an onions boost general health, keep infection at bay, reduce blood pressure, aid digestion and soothe catarrh, colds and coughs.

HERRINGS and kippers are high in protein and in vitamins A and D, which help keep colds and flu at bay and prevent your skin getting chapped from too much air-conditioning.

HONEY is pre-digested and provides quick energy. Rich in minerals and vitamins, it can destroy germs and hasten healing.

KELP (seaweed) contains more minerals such as iodine, zinc and iron than any other food.

LIVER is rich in iron, zinc, vitamins A and B and other minerals. It enriches the blood, prevents anaemia, aids growth and improves the complexion.

MILK is good protein food and is rich in calcium and vitamins A and D, so it is invaluable for young children and older people. One pint of milk daily can supply a quarter of an adult's protein needs.

NUTS, especially peanuts and almonds, are concentrated protein combined with fibre, some B vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Try nut loaf, peanut butter, almond cream or nuts in salads.

ORANGES contain vitamin C, which is necessary for growth, strong teeth and clear skin, for iron absorption, to promote healing, to guard against infection and to help prevent stretch marks.

OATMEAL contains fibre, which lowers cholestrol levels in the blood and helps to avoid heart attacks. Serve porridge or muesli for your family's breakfast.

SEAFOOD enriches the blood, improves nails, hair and skin, relieves tension and aids digestion.

SOYA BEANS are as rich in protein as meat and contain no animal fat or cholestrol. Four ounces (100g) of soya protein contains 88 calories as compared to 260 calories in minced beef.

WATERCRESS is richer in vitamins and minerals than most other vegetables. Its vitamin A and iron purify the blood and improve the skin. The spicy flavour whets the appetite and enlivens dishes.

WHEATGERM is the vital heart of the grain. It contains the "youth vitamin" E, vitamin B-complex and minerals including zinc, iron and calcium. It boosts general health, improves the complexion and increases fertility and stamina.

WHOLEMEAL BREAD contains more protein, fibre, vitamins B and E and mineral salts than ordinary brown or white bread. It also provides energy and warmth.

YOGHURT was called the "elixir of health" by the Romans. Natural, unsweetened yoghurt is said to cure muscular pains, purify the blood, improve digestive troubles and insomnia. - IPS

Extracted from Family:May 2005


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