Career and Health

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Home Remedies

How well protected are you against the common cold and flu?
Here are five simple things that can help boost your immune system.

Stay hydrated with plenty of liquids. Read: water and pure fruit juices. Hot beverages work better for some people, so consider chamomile or peppermint herbal tea, or just add a slice of lemon to hot water.

Citrus fruits
Increase your vitamin C intake with citrus fruits. Drink orange juice for breakfast, snack on half a grapefruit, or add tangerine slices to a lunch-time salad.

Many people find frest ginger root helps treat the coughing and fever that often accompany colds and flu. Try making a ginger tea: Pour a cup of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of freshly grated ginger and let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes.

Hot and spicy food
Some people swear by garlic, horseradish, chillies or spicy sauces to help ease congestion. Cook Indian or other ethnic foods that contain these ingredients, or simply add a spicy sauce to foods for extra zip.

Chicken soup
Also known as nature's penicillin, it is at the top of the list for its curative powers. Hot chicken soup helps clear clogged airways, and the nourishing broth will give you more energy. Add plenty of vegetables, including onion and garlic, for extra healing power.

Remember, a daily routine of high-fat, high-sugar junk foods, skipped meals and lots of caffeine can mak you more susceptible to minor illnessess like colds and flue. So eat plenty of whole grains, fruit, vegetables and low-fat protein to keep your immune system strong. Think of nutritious foods as part of your cold-and-flu armour, and you'll be ready to do battle whenever illness strikes.

Extracted from Family:March 2005


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